
Who Do We Work With?

NOOR 367 is ideal for:

1. Academically high-achieving students

• NOOR 367 provides students with an appropriate academic challenge, personalised to each student. We strive to teach the art of problem-solving, creating students who can think independently and apply their skills to any situation and perform at their best.  

2. Home-educated students

• NOOR 367 is a world-class online learning platform which provides a full solution to home-educated students. Learning is set at a pace suiting the learner and their individual context with dynamic academic content. All of this makes for a supportive study environment.

3. Travelling students

• The modern student often finds themselves travelling across the globe due to sports, cultural or other amateur or professional commitments. NOOR 367 is a powerful learning tool for such students, allowing them to take their schooling with them across the globe.

We also have a strong track record in supporting:

• Children in care
• Children and young people in PRU’s
• Children and young people with SEND
• Children and young people who are educated at home
• Those unable to attend school due to anxiety disorder, Medical needs Or school refusers

Our partners include:

Schools | Local Authorities | PRU's