Special Education Needs and Disabilities - SEND

At Noor367, we believe every learner deserves a path to success that celebrates their unique strengths. We embrace neurodiversity, fostering a vibrant global learning community where all minds thrive.

Unveiling Potential for Every Learner

At Noor367, we understand that traditional learning methods don’t always unlock a student’s full potential. That’s why we take a different approach, one that caters to individual needs and learning styles.

A Global Rise in Learning Differences

Our experience shows a growing number of students around the world require personalized support. Here in the UK, for example, nearly all learners benefit from additional strategies. We’ve seen this trend across Southeast Asia, the Far East, and Central and Eastern Europe as well.

Empowering All Learners with SEND Needs

For students with diagnosed or suspected learning differences, Noor367 prioritizes equity and empowerment. We work closely with each student to understand their unique needs and craft a personalized support plan. This plan becomes their roadmap to success, ensuring a smooth transition to their chosen academic path.

Our Expertise: Removing Barriers, Not Potential

Noor367 boasts a team of experienced educators who are passionate about understanding and removing learning barriers. We focus on supporting the individual, not just the specific learning difference. Whether it’s Asperger’s, Autism, Dyslexia, Global Delay, or Moderate Learning Difficulties, we have the expertise to help students with a variety of needs. Many of our students possess Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), and we tailor our support to complement these plans, maximizing their potential for academic achievement.

Let Noor367 Help Your Child Thrive

At Noor367, we believe every student deserves the opportunity to learn, develop, and achieve their personal goals. We don’t erase learning differences; we celebrate them as unique strengths. Contact us today to learn more about how Noor367 can empower your child to unlock their full potential.

“Since Noor367, our child (Minahil) has blossomed! They’ve regained their confidence in learning and appreciate the flexibility to study at their own pace. Even on days when they’re not feeling well, Noor367’s approach allows them to catch up without falling behind. We’re so grateful for the supportive environment and personalized learning plan.” – Parents of a Noor367 Student

A Supportive Learning Environment

At Noor367, we focus on removing barriers, not the special needs themselves. Our approach prioritises:

• Smaller Class Sizes: Enhancing engagement while fostering valuable interaction

• Multiple Communication Channels: Providing a holistic view of student progress, including soft skills development

• Ability-Based Timetables: Ensuring coursework is appropriate for each student’s learning level

• Subject Specialist Teachers: Delivering in-depth knowledge and fostering a love of learning

• Dedicated Support Network: Providing personalized guidance and encouragement

• Expert SEND Support: Meeting the unique needs of each student

• Progress Tracking: Monitoring progress and ensuring students stay on track

• Data-Driven Approach: Utilizing data to measure attendance, communication, and engagement

• Parent and School Portals: Facilitating clear communication and collaboration

• Outcomes-Based Learning: Celebrating success and helping students achieve their academic goals, including GCSE and A-Level qualifications